Residential Trash Service
Walden CIA has contracted with OFS SOLID WASTE SERVICES, INC. to provide garage door garbage service twice weekly.
Containers should be placed on your driveway near your garage by 7:00 AM on your designated collection day.
Pick up schedules for your sections are as follows:
Section 4, 6, 6A, 8, 8A, 9, 10, 11, 12, 12A, 14, & 16
Section 1, 2, 3, 3A, 5, 7A, 15, 17, 18 & 19
Heavy trash, bulky waste and bundles will be picked up on the second garbage service day for your section (Thursdays and Fridays). Place those items at the curb.
The trash contractor observes only the following holidays:
Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. If the holiday falls on a designated pick up day, garbage will be picked up on the next scheduled day for your section.
If your home is accidentally missed, please contact OFS SOLID WASTE SERVICES INC. at 281-457-2705.
If you have any questions regarding your collection day please contact the Walden Administration Office at 936-582-1622.
OFS Solid Waste Services provides collection of residential refuse for Walden. To help you determine when and what to put out, see below:
Household Trash:
Containers of residential refuse shall be placed at the garage door for collection and must be visible from the street, and shall be put out by 7:00 A.M. on the designated collection day.
Trash containers are not to exceed 39-gallon capacity. The weight of a container and its contents shall not exceed sixty (60) pounds.
Bulky Waste:
Bulky waste, grass clippings and leaves must be placed curbside.
Tree trimmings must be bundled with no one piece greater than four 4” in diameter and 4’ in length, tied and bundled with a limit of 3 bundles (maximum 50lb) weight limit and must be placed at curbside.
No Construction Debris including: waste building materials resulting from construction, remodeling, repair or demolition operations. No sheetrock, shingles, fencing, etc.
Heavy Pickup: (1) one large bulky household item can be picked up on the second day of service if placed at curb. (ex: couch mattress, chair, table etc.)
Office hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00am to 5:00pm
OFS Solid Waste Services, Inc. * P O Box 2258 * Channelview, Texas 77530
Phone: 281-457-2705 Fax: 281-457-9304
Email: [email protected]