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Ladies Association of Walden

Ladies Association of Walden

The Ladies Association of Walden was formed in 1980 and was officially organized with the State of Texas as a non-profit organization under the IRS Section 501(c)7 as a Social and Recreation club on March 20, 1989.

The Ladies Association of Walden sponsors many interest groups and a monthly luncheon to promote social activities among its members. The luncheon program includes a wide variety of programs including fashion shows, musicians, authors, and other great speakers. The organization also publishes a monthly newsletter August through June. Membership is open to all property owners and/or residents of Walden. It’s a great way to meet new friends and enjoy the activities of these interest groups, many of which meet in member's homes. Yearly membership dues are $30.00 which provides a monthly newsletter, luncheon program costs, and eligibility to participate in interest groups. Join us for the monthly luncheons to get acquainted with your neighbors and Association members. Luncheon meetings are held at Walden's Lakeview Dining & Venue (formerly known as the Yacht Club) at 11:30 AM on the first Friday of each month, with the exception of June and July. The cost of the luncheon is $18.00 for members, $23 for guests. No shorts or jeans. Reservations are required by 2:00 p.m. on the Monday prior to the meeting and can be made on-line through our website under our Event Calendar page. Membership renewals for existing members begin on July 1st of each year.

Please take the time to explore our website to learn more. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact any of the officers. We hope you will join the Walden Ladies Association and take advantage of the many opportunities we have to share fun and fellowship with your friends and neighbors.

President - Diana White   832-656-7135
Vice President - Stephanie Johnson   281-610-2579
Membership Chair - Ginny Blackwell   832-725-7698